You Are Contagious. What Are You Spreading? (video)

Are You Spreading Stress or Calm?

Our emotional state has the power to destroy or nurture—performance, relationships, happiness—thanks to our miraculous neurobiology and the wonders of energetic principles.

Stress, anxiety, numbness and drama (your Saboteur’s currency) are all contagious. So are peace, calm, creativity and empathy (your Sage’s powers).

Where are you hanging out?

Click on my photo above or this link to watch a short video about this phenomenon.

Schedule a 30-minute Saboteur Consult if you’d like to know more about how to cultivate and spread more calm, creativity and ease.

Journal Prompts:
Do I spread more stress or more calm overall?

What’s the impact on those around me? On me?

Do I hang out with people who spread stress or calm?

How can I invite more calm into my life?

Thanks to Shirzad Chamine of Positive Intelligence for this amazing work.


Recovering Your Light


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