Feeding the Hungry Monster

Line drawing of woman holding trophies and reaching for another trophy with a grimace on her face

©2022 Positive Intelligence

Our society values achievement, applauds competition and rewards performance. Unfortunately many of us depend on constant performance and achievement for self-respect and self-validation.

That’s the hungry monster.

If you have the Hyper-Achiever Saboteur, you know the drill.

“I must be best at what I do.”

“If I can’t be outstanding, I won’t bother.”

“Emotions get in the way of performance.”

“I’m worthy as long as I’m ‘successful.’”

“I’ll be happy/satisfied when ____________.”

Much of the Hyper-Achiever’s success is not authentic, seeking primarily what’s most impressive vs. most fulfilling. Plus, when success is valued above all else, feelings get pushed aside resulting in strained relationships. And maybe you celebrate momentarily when a goal is reached, then it’s on to the next thing—a cycle that leaves you feeling empty or depressed.

Hungry monster.

Your inner Sage knows that relying on external validation means giving away your power. The path of the Sage is to use the innate Hyper-Achiever strengths of being driven, pragmatic, goal-oriented and self-directed, without taking them to the extreme. The Sage sees the gift and opportunity in all your undertakings, even the failures, detours and surprises. Most of all, generating unconditional self-love through the Sage’s deep empathy power means that you no longer need external validation to feel good/loved/accepted/worthy.

Buh bye, monster!

I love coaching clients with the Hyper-Achiever Saboteur and helping them to remember the badass they already are. When you come to know, love and trust yourself,
the sky truly is the limit.

Schedule a 30-minute Saboteur Consult if you’d like to know more about minimizing your saboteurs.

Thanks to Shirzad Chamine of Positive Intelligence for this amazing work.

Journal Prompts:
How strong is the Hyper-Achiever in me?

How am I giving my power away? To whom/what?

What are 5 things that make me innately worthy?


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