Re-vive. Re-fresh. Re-new.

Regenerative Agriculture is a passion of mine, and I've noticed other sectors adopting the theme - regenerative fashion, business and tourism to name a few. It got me thinking about how regeneration relates to our own healing, internally and externally.

First, what does regenerate mean? When I looked it up, there’s a ‘biology’ definition (regrow) and a ‘theology’ definition (reformed/reborn). I love that! And of course there is. These two realms are getting closer and closer in my studies (think quantum physics). Anyway, the definition that’s closest to what we’re discussing here is…

”To become formed again.”

One uplifting part of this is that we’re dealing with something that is/was already there…”again”…”re.” We’re not starting from scratch; maybe it’s as simple as remembering. Remembering we are whole.Remembering we are magnificent. Remembering we are one. That’s supremely helpful for me when I’m feeling broken and alone.

In his new book, Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation, Paul Hawken talks about the following ingredients of regeneration for the earth. If I may be so bold, I’d like to turn these inward, toward ourselves, as a way of facilitating remembering.

  • Alignment. Is your outer world aligned with your inner world? That is, do your life, relationships, work, friends, etc. line up with your values, your needs, your gifts and your passions? Your capital t, Truth. If not, why, and is that okay with you? It can be really draining to be out of alignment. Alignment comes with ease, stillness and calm power; 
    like mountain pose.

  • Amends. Mr. Hawken writes about amends to Indigenous Peoples. When it comes to inner work, the real You (big s, Self), is your indigenous person. Do you owe her or him amends? 

    amends = apology + changed behavior

    Amends can be emotional, physical, financial, spiritual. Maybe your self-care has taken a holiday. Maybe you’re really, really hard on yourself, expecting perfection. Maybe you’re comparing yourself to others. Maybe you’re isolating and spending too much money. Whatever the case, I highly recommend making an amend for shifting from acceptance into action.

  • Addition. Regeneration is an additive process. With soil, you add micro organisms, bacteria and fungi to create a rich, thriving system that supports life and growth. What can you add to your life/work/relationships to cultivate healing, growth and life? Rest, prayer, play, veggies, connection, listening, diversity…

  • Agency. You’ve got the power! Yes, you. What’s your first step?Journal Prompts:
    How am I right now? What are the signals that I need to attend to myself? What is my primary purpose in work/life/love?

    May you live long and regenerate.

    Journal Prompts:
    How can I more fully align my inner and outer worlds?
    What amends do I owe to myself?
    What can I add for deeper healing?


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