Joy & the Courage to Accept Yourself (Video)

Self-acceptance can be such a challenge and yet it is a requirement for self-love and joy. It takes tremendous courage to take a good, hard look at yourself, warts and all. The reward is priceless.

In this conversation with my dear friend, Carrie Friedberg, SF Money Coach, we discuss the how's and why’s of our self-acceptance journeys, where and how money played a role, and how Life Styling can help.

Rewind about 10 years. I was confident and capable; or so I thought. Ok, I was definitely capable in many ways, the confidence was a bit of a smoke screen to cover my massive lack of self-esteem. It’s difficult to have strong self-worth if you don’t accept yourself. And it’s impossible (IMO) to accept yourself when you don’t truly knowyourself - your needs & wants; your values; your dreams; your gifts; your assets & defects.

My journey toward self-acceptance (I’m not 100% there yet) has been a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual one. One day at a time - three steps forward, two steps back. And so it is. You can hear more about it in the video.

I created the Life Styling modality to help people come to know, love and trust themselves for more self-esteem, confidence and ultimately, joy. These are the four elements on which we focus:

  • Beauty, with a capital B, as a spiritual principle. For me, it’s a vibration, not a surface thing. When we learn what is beautiful for us, surround ourselves with those people, places, behaviors and things, we attract more of the same. It’s a basic Universal attracts like.

  • Wisdom is your inner knowing, your intuition, the voice of your spirit. Our thinking brain can only process information; true wisdom comes from connecting with consciousness through a different area of the brain. I teach my clients how to connect with this seat of the soul.

  • Purpose is about our WHY. We are all here for a reason. Connecting with your WHY brings meaning & fulfillment, and is key to 
    being happy, joyous and free. 

  • Practice is about self-care, which at its core is self-love & acceptance. This is about taking care of ourselves physically by eating well, sleeping, going to the doctor and exercising; mentally by continuously learning and being discerning with what we take in; emotionally by setting boundaries, feeling your feelings, speaking your truth; and spirituallyby taking quiet time, listening to your intuition and expressing your creativity. Often a first step with my clients is getting to know what all these mean for you as an individual.

There are lots more juicy tips and information in the video, so have a watch or listen and let me know what you think. And big love to Carrie for creating this opportunity!

If you’re struggling with self-acceptance or not sure if it’s even on your radar, I’d love to chat. Book a complimentary 30-minute YUMMY connection call using the “I’m a Yes to YUM” link in the upper right corner of your screen. No obligation, ever.

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