Self-Care and Creativity

Deepak Chopra says, “Spiritual energy—the energy that comes from pure consciousness—is the creative energy of the universe.” My study of Intuition Medicine® confirmed this premise, and the fact that there are a few sources of this “pure consciousness” energy in our bodies that we can tap into and amplify for greater creative flow. However, you can’t be stressed out, exhausted and frazzled to access these energy centers; this is not the wavelength of creativity. Creative flow feels calm, peaceful, expansive, and grounded. And in the energy realm, like attracts like, so you need to be in a similar state before channeling creative flow.

Great news! There is a solution, and it is one hundred percent within your control. The solution is self-care of body, mind and spirit. With a few new behaviors, a shift in perspective and tweaks to your mindset, you will be well on your way to raising your vibration and turning up the creativity.

Start with the body; that amazingly complex and beautiful vessel that is home to your consciousness. If your body isn’t tuned up and functioning well, it’s a big drag on creative flow. Rest. If all you do is sleep more and rest when tired, you are well on your way. Fuel up with nourishing, healthy, whole foods. Dial back the sugar, alcohol, caffeine and processed foods, or skip them altogether. Move. Exercise really gets your chi flowing. Go for a walk around the block at lunch or do a one song dance party (my favorite). Breathe. When you’re feeling stressed, try “box breathing,” using a 4-4-4-4 count. Count to four on the inhale, hold it for four counts, exhale for four, and hold for four. According to Healthline, this “can heighten performance and concentration while also being a powerful stress reliever.” 

Our minds have incredible power to influence our behaviors and the related outcomes. Watch your thoughts; let go of negative thinking and “busy” mentality. These are low vibration patterns and will not attract the high vibration creative frequency. Say“no” when a project, opportunity, or request is not realistic or not aligned with your core business values. Check yourself; are you people pleasing? It really is okay to say no, empowering even. Holding good boundaries with a simple, “No thank you, that doesn’t work for me,” will improve your confidence, make space on your calendar and allow you to work on what really excites you. All great for creativity and for letting the universe know what to send you more of. Ask “How important is it?” A cousin of “no,” pausing to ask yourself this simple question can downsize a mountain to a mole hill and bring a lot of clarity as to the next right action. A month from now, will you even remember this moment? Clarify important vs. urgent tasks. President Eisenhower popularized the idea and Steven Covey took it mainstream in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Often, an important task furthers your goal while an urgent task furthers someone else’s. Taking a moment to identify in which bucket a task falls can help you to prioritize and to see where you could plan better in the future. Of course, urgent and important matters come up, so leave some space on your calendar for these eventualities.

Spirit is the aspect most often overlooked in our analytical, achievement-oriented society. However, since creative energy is spiritual energy, this is the most important piece to attend to. Create a sacred space. Harness the healing power of beauty in a space that is all your own, whether it’s the corner or your desk or the corner of a room. Make it a personalized sanctuary filled with your favorite things (photos, found objects, mementos, etc.) and leave devices elsewhere! Take space. Make time on your calendar every day that is your personal time to be quiet and to be still. Early mornings work great for many people; choose the time that you will honor. Start with 15 minutes and work your way up to 30 or 60 or more. Develop a contemplative practice for the time and space you have created. Meditate, pray, journal, chant, doodle. Create a ritual to signal that this is your sacred time--light a candle, sound a chime, hold a sacred object—this signals your mind-body that it is time to go inward. Get into nature. Nature is the ultimate creator, bursting with inspiration and high vibration. Soak it in regularly and enjoy the benefits. 

In the end, body, mind and spirit are all intertwined, so self-care needs to be balanced in all three areas. If you’ve read to this point, you are already on your way. Ask a friend or colleague to be an accountability buddy and to share victories and challenges. Dedication to these practices over time will raise your vibration and open the channels of creative flow. Your work and everyone around you will reap the benefits as well.

Shifting Your Vibration:

·       Creative flow is a spiritual energy that comes from within

·       Create your own personal Sacred Space

·       Develop a daily practice to create spaciousness

·       Surround yourself with beauty; get into nature

·       Sleep, diet, exercise and good boundaries are prerequisites

·       “Busy” mindset and negative thinking squash creativity

·       Breathe and ask, “How important is it?”

·       Remember, other people’s urgency is not your emergency

Journal Prompts:
What distracts me from self-care?
When do I feel most creative?
How can I cultivate the conditions I need for creativity?


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