THE Answer to All Your Problems

Pink and white graphic with seed of life in the background and a quote by Eckhart Tolle

Acceptance is the Answer.

Frustrated by that client, again? Annoyed with the same team member? Doubting an employee? Resenting the IRS? Disappointed with your partner, again?

Accept it or convert it.

Acceptance doesn’t mean condoning bad behavior, or hitting ‘snooze’ again because there’s nothing you can do about the situation. It’s about looking reality in the face and
admitting, “Yup, it is like this right now.”

Once free from the grip of negative emotions, you can take clear-headed, creative, focused action. Only then can you convert the situation into a gift and opportunity.

Do you sense the difference? Acceptance is the path of the Sage, of flow, of less resistance. Acceptance is loving, self-loving.

Think of all the energy you have wasted resisting what IS.

Think of all the time you’ve spent trying to force a solution.

Think of all the sleep you’ve lost ruminating on something over which you have no control.

Don’t worry, you’re not bad, just human. I’m right there with you. Depending on your favorite flavor of Saboteur, right now it is saying things like, “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” or “You’ll get nowhere if you don’t push,” or “Easy for her to say, she’s ______,” or “Worry is the best motivator!”

Don’t believe them; the Saboteurs lie. Acceptance really is the answer.

Journal Prompts:

  • What is one thing you can accept right now? Start small.

  • How does it feel in your body when you accept something you’ve been fighting or resisting?

  • How do your thoughts change when you are in acceptance?


Stress-Free Projects on Business Success Tips (Podcast)